I am the oldest grandchild of Leonard James Quetsch, born in 1889 (probably in Chicago), son of Otto Quetsch who was born in Caldern, Germany in 1858.  Back in 1990 I started investigating some geneaology with the help of my Uncle Jim Quetsch and a wonderful woman named Janet Zuber from  Amana, Iowa  who did a first translation of Otto Quetsch's baptismal certificate, which started me on my way.     After much correspondence with offices in Germany and Austria to try to track down some family mythology, I got distracted by my real life and let it all go until now.  I hope to attach everything I have, but it will take some time and may not be very well organized.

Although I'm starting with the German side of the family I'll get around to working on the Shea side as well.

Please let me know if you have interesting stuff to share!